Sulaimon Shodiya, Luqman R., Ngala G. M., Oumarou M. B., Muhammad A. B.


The monthly daily average solar energy parameters measured in Maiduguri  (11.85°N, 13.08°E,altitude 354m) for a period of thirteen years (1996 – 2010) were obtained from the Nigerian Meteorological Agency, Maiduguri, Borne State. These data which include Gunn-Bellani solar radiation, sunshine hour duration, relative humidity, rainfall, wind speed, maximum and minimum temperatures were analyzed using both single-variable and multi-variable regression techniques of the Angstrom type to generate several regression equations (models). The Models were used to estimate the total solar radiation reaching a horizontal surface in Maiduguri. Comparing the estimated model results and the experimental data showed good agreements. Furthermore, statistical methods of Mean Deviation, Average Deviation, Standard Deviation, Variance and coefficient of correlation (R2) were used to test the performances of these models. Based on the value R2 and that of standard deviation, the equation that outperformed the rest is the logarithmic equation. This model could be used by designers and engineers to preliminarily assess the potential of the solar energy in Maiduguri and area of similar geographical conditions.

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