Evaluation of Some Physico-Chemical Properties of Roadside Soils of Zaria-Giwa Road, Kaduna State, Nigeria

Upahi L., Yahaya R. A., Yahaya M. K., Muhammad I. U.


Studies on the evaluation of Particle size characterization, pH, Organic matter and Electrical conductivity in roadside soils of Zaria-Giwa road, Kaduna state, Nigeria was carried out. The soils were collected at four different locations namely: Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital (ABUTH), National Animal Production Research Institute (NAPRI Shika), Marabar Guga and Ahmadu Bello University Dam Quarters (control). The samples were collected at a distance of 0, 5, 10, 20, 40 and 100 m away from the edge of the road. Standard procedures were used in the determination of Soil texture, pH, OM and EC. The data obtained were subjected to Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and Duncan’s Multiple Range Test (DMRT) was used to separate the means where necessary. Vehicular density was computed. The result revealed that, soil texture was predominantly sandy loam at all locations except for ABUTH which was predominated by loam soil at all distances. The values recorded at ABUTH for all the parameters (6.54, 5.67% and 103.50 µscm-1 for pH, OM and EC respectively) were found to be significantly higher than the control at ABU Dam Quarters (6.27, 2.73 % and 43.33 µscm-1 for pH, OM and EC respectively). However, with respect to distance, the highest and lowest of all parameters were observed at 0 and 100 m respectively. Distance from the roadside and vehicular densities of the sampled locations had a significant effect on all the physicochemical properties assessed in the roadside soil. The texture of the soil, slight acidic nature of the soils as well as OM and EC values recorded in this study are suggestive of a higher heavy metal pollution index of the roadside soils of Zaria-Giwa road. In view of these findings, there is need for regular monitoring of physicochemical properties of the roadside soils as well as the heavy metal concentrations in soils because of the possibility of being transferred to man through food chain. Farmers are advised to keep some distance away from the roadside before planting of crops in order to reduce the negative impact of the aforementioned parameters. 

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