Islamic Fundamentalist Group in Afghanistan and Reframing Socio-Cultural Values

Ibe Michael Uche


The key issue with terrorism is that it pushes the very bounds of society. Even when bound by an ideology that protects morality, its system pushes against what it preaches. Terrorism is a destructive and violent act that has far-reaching consequences not just for its immediate victims, but also for the societies it affects. One of the many ways that the Islamic Fundamentalist group also known as the Taliban influences the Afghan culture is by instilling fear and insecurity, leading people to change the way they live and interact with others. For example, increased security measures and restrictions on personal freedom have become a common response to the threat of terrorism. This includes heightened surveillance, stricter immigration policies, and a greater emphasis on national identity. This has resulted in the restriction of individual rights and the erosion of privacy, leading to a feeling of distrust and division within a society. The Islamic Fundamentalist group often led to the suppression of artistic expression, particularly if it is perceived as politically or culturally sensitive. This censorship has stifled the creativity and originality of artists, and limits the ability of people to explore important cultural and political issues through their work. Terrorism has a profound influence on culture, leading to changes in how people live their lives, how they think about and interact with others, and how they express themselves artistically. While these changes may seem necessary to counteract the threat of terrorism, it is important to consider the long-term consequences and strive to maintain a balance between security and cultural freedom. With the use of analysis from secondary data, this work will look at the effects of the Islamic Fundamentalist group terrorist group on the culture of the Afghan people. 

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