Assessment of the Physicochemical Quality of Well Water in Okene and Adavi Local Government Areas of Kogi State, Nigeria

Etudaye U., Upahi L.


This study investigated the physicochemical properties of well water sources from Okene and Adavi Local Government Areas of Kogi State, Nigeria. Samples were collected during the dry and wet seasons from ten (10) sample locations within the study area using a simple random sampling method. The wells were categorized by determining the type of well, including the proximity of the wells to a septic tank, the presence of good casing with well cover, the presence of animals/waste around the well, and the topography of the well. Physicochemical parameters of the well water sources were assessed. Only 13% (5) of the wells surveyed conform to World Health Organization standards concerning the distance between the well and the septic tank. The physicochemical properties were within the permissible range as specified by WHO. However, there were statistical differences in the mean values obtained between the sample locations concerning some of the physicochemical parameters such as temperature (P-value 0.007), pH (P-value 0.045), turbidity (P-value 0.013), total suspended solids (P-value 0.001), chloride content (P-value 0.016), total dissolved solids (P-value 0.588), electrical conductivity (P-value 0.931) and total alkalinity (P-value 0.566). The study revealed that hygienic practices around the wells in Okene and Adavi local government areas of Kogi State, Nigeria were poor and the siting of the wells was not in conformity with WHO standards. However, the physicochemical Parameters are relatively within the limits specified by WHO and NAFDAC. It was recommended that the inhabitants of the study area should not consume well water without treatment. Also, wells should be constructed properly with cemented walls, and wand ell casing and situated far away from livestock and domestic animals, gutters, latrines, soak – away and other sources of contamination 

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