Effect of Compaction Delays on the Strength Characteristics of Periwinkle Shell Ash (PSA)-Stabilized Lateritic Soil

Gambo Haruna Yunusa, Muttaka Na'iya Ibrahim, Ahmad Idris, Murtala Umar, Nasiru Danlami


The soil's compaction characteristics significantly influence the strength and stability of structures found in the soil. This study examines the impact of compaction delays on the properties of lateritic soil stabilized with Periwinkle Shell Ash (PSA). The lateritic soil was treated with varying PSA contents of 0%, 2%, 4%, 6%, 8%, and 10%. Standard Proctor (BSL) compaction was employed, with compaction delays of 0, 2, 4, and 6 hours. The prepared soil samples were evaluated for their index and engineering properties by BS1377 (1990) and BS1924 (1990) standards. The results classified the soil as A-6 (5) under the AASHTO classification system. The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) and Unconfined Compressive Strength (UCS) of the PSA-stabilized soils exhibited a decreasing trend with increasing compaction delay across all compaction efforts. The findings suggest that compaction delays should not exceed 2 hours to maintain optimal soil performance and highlight the importance of timely compaction in enhancing the engineering properties of stabilized soils.

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