Perceived Determinants of Lecturers’ Adoption of Electronic Supervision for Agricultural Education Students' Research Projects in Universities in Southeast Nigeria
This study identified the perceived determinants of e-supervision adoption for Agricultural Education students' research projects by lecturers in public universities in Southeast Nigeria. It was guided by four research questions with corresponding research questions. A descriptive survey research design was adopted. The population of the study was 45 lecturers of Agricultural Education in six public Universities in Southeast Nigeria. A census approach was adopted, hence there was no sampling. The instrument for data collection was a structured questionnaire. The questionnaire was validated by 5 experts and pilot-tested tested. Analysis of data from the pilot study indicated good reliability with a Cronbach’s alpha coefficient of 0.82. Data was collected from an online questionnaire designed using a Google form. A total of 38 valid responses were recorded, resulting in an 84.44% survey response rate. Data collected was analyzed using descriptive statistics such as mean and standard deviation. Findings revealed that the adoption of e-supervision for Agricultural Education research projects in universities is determined by some individual, technological, organizational, and environmental factors. Some key individual determinants found included ICT competence, interest, familiarity with digital tools, and prior experience. Technological factors found included perceived ease of use, system quality, and infrastructure, which were significant. In contrast, organizational factors like capacity-building initiatives, administrative support, and compatibility with existing academic structures played essential roles. Environmental factors, including power supply, financial considerations, and competitive pressure from colleagues, also influenced adoption. The researchers concluded that there is a need to invest in robust ICT infrastructure, provide ongoing training, and create conducive environments to encourage lecturers of Agricultural Education to adopt e-supervision. It was recommended among others that administrators and agencies of government in charge of the Universities in Southeast Nigeria should organize structured capacity-building programmes and develop user-friendly e-supervision systems.
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