Determination of Anti-Oxidant and Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Water Yam and Orange Fleshed Sweet Potatoes

Akulaka Chiamaka Keyna, A. S. Umeh, G. O. Anozie


This study determined the anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of water yam and orange-fleshed sweet potatoes. A basket of tubers from freshly harvested water yam and orange-fleshed sweet potatoes were purchased from Afor Oru market in Ahiazu base and other ingredients required for the processing and preparation of five dishes and cake snacks of different rations from water yam (Dioscorea alata) and Orange fleshed sweet potatoes. White yam serves as control for the dishes and all-purpose flour serves as control for snacks from WY and OFSP. The data obtained from the laboratory were subjected to analysis of variance (ANOVA) to determine statistical differences among means at p(0.005). Results were expressed as Standard deviation (SD). The flour processed from WY and OFSP through 30oC – 60 C oven dry was assessed for anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The anti-oxidant properties ascertained from water yam (Beta-carotene, vitamin C, E, K, Anthocyanins, selenosis) range from (60-75%) and Orange fleshed sweet potatoes range from (70-90%). The anti-inflammatory (alkaloids, saponin, Tannin, steroids, anythocyanin, carotene, TPC, TFC). It was revealed that both WY and OFSP possess anti-inflammatory properties but with varying levels of bioactive compounds. For bulk density, no significant difference (0.76 g/cm3 for both). The findings suggest that these ingredients can be used to develop targeted therapeutic diets for elderly individuals, addressing specific health needs and promoting healthy ageing. Further research is recommended to explore their bioavailability, bioefficacy, long term effects in elderly populations.

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