This study aimed to determine factors that affect female secondary school students’ mathematics performance in Damaturu Local Government Area of Yobe State. Causal-comparative research design was adopted to investigate the problem. The subject for the study comprised of three hundred and twelve (312) female students drawn from the target population, using simple random sampling procedure. The instruments used for data collection include; achievement test, and questionnaire. From the analysis of data, the findings indicated that the variation in female students’ mathematics performance test was accounted by variability in socio-economic variables (education, occupation and income) of parents. Also, the variation in female students’ mathematics performance was accounted by variability in both out of school and in school factors like, home related factors, personal factors and in school related factors. Hence, there is need to arbitrate the problem specifically; School administrators should be coached to handle the problem (factors) that affect female students’ mathematics performance by acting as facilitator/initiator with parents, stakeholders, concerned bodies and students.
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