The purpose of this paper was to conceptualize the idea and to see what makes some countries in Europe continent’s Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) models successful and how Nigeria can correct its TVET problems. European countries like United Kingdom, France and Germany have developed TVET models and recorded human developments. While, with implementation of National Policy on Education, Nigeria has developed TVET model and recorded poverty increments from 1980 to date. The idea was to see what makes Europe TVET model successful and how Nigeria solves its TVET problems. The methodology employed in this paper was analytical method that compares the countries education and their social and economic development based on critical reading and review of materials which include TVET models and economic developments. Findings revealed that developed TVET models of Europe continents is likely contributed to their human development, while Nigeria TVET model is likely contributed to its poverty incidence.
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