The moderating effect of information and communication technology on the relationship between student satisfaction and student loyalty within a Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) setting in the Nigerian context. The objective was to examine which construct have significant and positive relationship in terms of its validity, reliability and explained variance. Data were collected from students from federal universities in Nigeria between June and September,2015, from a total of 535 questionnaires and only 446 were usable, a response rate of 83%. This study used the partial least squares (PLS) and structural equation modeling (SEM) tool to examine factors influencing student loyalty in HEIs. Statistical results confirm that service quality and university image influences on student loyalty positively, while student satisfaction mediates the impact of service quality and university image on student loyalty. Similarly, the result also revealed that information and communication technology significantly moderate the relationship between student satisfaction and Student loyalty in HEIs. The study design adopts a cross-sectional research design which does not allow causal inferences to be made from the population of the study. On the other hand, a longitudinal method might be appropriate, where it will allow researchers to analyze, the long-term influence of students’ loyalty in HEIs in Nigeria. HEIs can make considerable efforts in reducing the occurrence of student disloyalty by improving service quality delivery to accomplish the goals of higher quality education as one of the core objectives of HEIs in Nigeria.
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