B. A. Usman, D. I. Wushishi, A. I. Gambari, O. Olayinka


This study was premised on Development and Assessment of Web-Based Instructional Package in Hausa Language on Upper Basic Students’ Achievement in Geometry in Niger State. The study had three objectives and three null hypotheses. Quasi-experimental design, specifically Pretest, Posttest, non-equivalent, non-randomized control group design and a descriptive survey design was adopted for the study. Three hundred and seventy-three (373) students were sampled for the study from eight (8) purposively sampled co-educational secondary schools from two zones of Niger State. The experimental and the control groups consisted of 183 and 190 students respectively. Experts in the field of Geometry, Science Education, Educational Technology and Hausa language, validated three research instruments used for the study. The reliability coefficient of the Bashiwushi-Futmin Lissafi (BFL) which has Yankuzo Tambayoyin Lissafi (YATAL) was 0.84. while the reliability of Yankuzo Geometry Achievement Test (YAGAT) was found to be 0.82. The hypotheses were tested using Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) 20.00 version. The result of the study revealed that the students exposed to the Bashiwushi Futmin-Lissafi (BFL) package performed significantly better than those taught using the conventional lecture method. Based on the findings from the study it was recommended that web-based instructional package in Hausa language be encouraged for teaching Geometry in any community where those residing speaks Hausa language in order to enhance effective teaching and learning of Geometry at junior secondary school level.

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