Effects of Collaborative and Adaptive Teaching Strategies on Students’ Learning Outcomes in Civic Education in Senior Secondary Schools in Osun State, Nigeria

B. A. Adeyemi


The study investigated the effects of Collaborative, Adaptive and Conventional teaching strategies on attitude, performance and retention ability of secondary school students in Civic Education in Osun state.  The study had three objectives and three null hypotheses. Pretest-posttest-control group quasi-experimental research design was adopted for the study. The researcher randomly selected an intact class of 40 students from each of the three local governments for the study. The three classes were randomly assigned to instruction using collaborative, adaptive and conventional instructional strategies. The students in the three groups were taught Traffic Regulations and Inter-Personal Relationship.  Five instruments were used for data collection.  The hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance using Analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). Results revealed among others that there was a significant effect of the strategies employed on students’ performance in Civic Education (F=10.801, p<0.05).  it was concluded, among others, that collaborative teaching strategy is more effective in improving learning outcomes of students in Civic Education than adaptive and conventional teaching strategies. The study recommended among others that collaborative and adaptive teaching strategies are hereby recommended to be incorporated into the secondary school curriculum as studies have found them to have positive significant effects on students’ learning outcomes in Civic Education.

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