Global Best Practices in Cataloguing and Classification in Open and Distance Learning Libraries.

A. J. C. Mole, Patricia N. Ofodu


This paper examines global best practices in cataloguing and classification in open and distance learning libraries. The study examined open and distance learning centres and their libraries and the range of library services they provide. It particularly examines the role of Online Public Access Catalogue (OPAC) in revolutionising the manner and ease with which library users can search traditional library collections and online sources. The paper also discusses cataloguing and classification best practices in ODL and the level of compliance with those best practices in Nigeria. It also examined challenges to compliance with those best practices and made recommendations for compliance with those best practices. Among the recommendations include that cataloguers need to be proactive when discharging their duties because cataloguing is an intellectual task which always need mental alertness so as to apply cataloguing standards accurately and consistently.  To keep up with international standards, cataloguers have to attend workshops, seminars, and other related functions where their skills are to be sharpened.

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