Development of Secure RFID Authentication System for Electronic Inter-Campus Transportation Billing

Kolo J. G., Dogo E. M., Olaniyi O. M., Oyegbemi S. A.


A good transportation system is an essential recipe to the economy of every city. This work made attempts to
improve the transportation billing system by automating the process using RFID technology, devoid of physical
cash collection. Inter-campus University transportation service is taken as a case study. Secure RFID reader and
tag was used, employing an AES encryption scheme for authentication, where users register with their student
identification card which is their unique RFID tags and credit their account in preparation for future travel. The
prototype system is developed to place on hold a faulty vehicle while making suggestions for vehicles that are
available for travels. The system also saves the record of each travel with respect to the time and destination of
the vehicle. Accuracy and response time were metrics used to evaluate the performance of the implemented
prototype system; the accuracy of the system when tested on fifteen

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