Determination of Aquifer Parameters of Hand Dug Well For Uunguwar Galadima Sabo, Kaduna
A hand dug well was subjected to a number of pumping tests: step drawdown, constant discharge and recovery tests to provide some preliminary estimation of hydraulic parameters for the study area. The objectives of this study is to evaluate the yield of the wells, to determine the transmissivity of the well and the specific capacity of the wells. Some hand dug wells were selected for measurement of daily transmissivity. The parameter studied from the well includes: water yield; water recovery test was carried out and the transmissivity assessed. The results indicate that transmissivity T, and specific capacity SC, were 31.55x10-5m3/s, 16.7x10-3m2/s. respectively. Mean static water level (SWL), and well depths were 2.92m, 7.1m, respectively. It can be concluded that aquifers are of moderate potential from the recovery test.
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