Leadership Planning for Succession of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises for Entrepreneurs in Nigeria

J. D. LKama, Akinniyi Ezekiel Oladejo, Lkama Mary Julius


The study leadership planning for succession of small and medium scale enterprises for entrepreneurs in northern Nigeria was necessary because most of the enterprises that existed twenty and above years ago are no more in existence. This is purely because of lack of succession planning. This study was in northern part Nigeria, with the population of 93 medium and small scale owners of various enterprises. The instrument used for data collection was a questionnaire which was adapted by the researcher and the reliability index of the instrument was 0.89.  Mean and standard deviation was used to answer the research questions, while t-test was used to test the null hypothesis. The findings of the study revealed that, common practices of leadership succession were not practiced in northern Nigeria. Also the SME industries in the northern part of Nigeria do not have any strategic plans for leadership succession. The opinions of medium scale enterprise owners and that of small scale enterprise owners do not differ much on common practices of leadership succession and on existence of planning strategies for leadership succession in northern Nigeria. This means that, they share the same view on existence of planning strategies for leadership succession in northern Nigeria. Therefore, the study recommends that, Leadership succession programme should be strengthened in the northern part of Nigeria, to prolong the life span of the enterprises. There should be deliberate strategic plans by the owners of industries for leadership succession in northern Nigeria.

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