Evaluation of Ameliorative Effects of Parinari Curatellifolia on Wistar Rats Exposed to Lead
This work was designed to determine the effect of methanolic leaf extract of Parinari curatellifolia on hematology and serum biochemistry of lead induced Wistar rats. Parinari curatellifolia leaf was shade dried for 2 weeks and pulverized into powder. 324 g powdered sample was extracted with the aid of methanolic solvent using soxhlet extraction. 48 healthy apparently 8 to 10-week old Wistar rats weighing between 109 and 210g were used in the study. They were randomly divided into six groups and control. The experiment was monitored for 28 days. Hematological and serum parameters were measured. Data was analyzed using one-way ANOVA at p<0.05 level of significance. There was no significant difference in PCV, Hb and neutrophil concentration. The highest and the lowest RBC (mg) was found in group IV (12.55) and II (6.95) respectively; group V (13.48) had the highest WBC (mg), while group III (5.20) had the least; and lymphocyte (mg) was also highest in group V (6.80), and lowest in group III (3.20). Serum biochemical parameters were significantly highest in group II and lowest in group IV. Parinari curatellifolia has a good ameliorative effect as it was observed in Wistar rats treated 14 days with lead solution and 14 days using plant extract.Â
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