Valid Teacher-Made Tests: It’s Implication on Students’ Achievement in Business Education

Omoruan Bertha Ese


An attempt has been made to examine the teacher-made Test as one of the classroom practices impact on students’ achievement in business education. Testing is an integral part of classroom practices that enhances students achievement; especially when valid and reliable teacher-made tests are used. It has been established that measurement instruments require systematic process of development and validation for effective classroom assessment. Test items writing is an art that must be learned. The Business Education teacher requires the knowledge and skills to develop and validate test items that can be used to monitor students’ learning progress using the formative Teacher-Made Test, diagnose students’ learning difficulties with the use of diagnostic Teacher-made Test and determine students’ achievement of objectives set down before instruction, with the summative Teacher-made Test. A table of specifications ensures proper representation of every aspects of the trait being measured, giving the test instrument high content validity. Reliability evidence is very essential in determining the amount of measurement error expected, in order to ascertain the true variance of the observed scores accounted for by the true scores of students, which is the actual differences in the trait being measured. It is concluded that Business Education teachers be conversant with the principles of test development and validation processes or consult experts in this area for quality assessment tools to produce quality output of students and quality education.   

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