Enhancing Electronics Technology Students’ Learning Experience and Satisfaction: The Role of Computer Simulation Software Packages

Emmanuel Raymond, Maxwell Emmanuel Uduafemhe


This paper examined the role of computer simulation software packages in enhancing the learning experiences and satisfaction of students undertaking electronics technology course. Emphasis was laid on defining learning experience as all the activities and interactions within the school system from which students can learn. As well as student satisfaction, which is students’ perceptions of learning experiences and perceived value of a course. The factors affecting electronics technology students’ learning experiences and satisfaction such as: quality of staff, student teacher relationship, socio-cultural background, teacher-student ratio and admission standards were highlighted. It was established from the literature reviewed that, electronics technology is capital intensive and the funds required for procuring equipment and consumables are not often readily available. Hence, in order to address the challenges, the use of computer simulation software packages such as MATLAB, Multisim, PowerSim, PSPICE, Schematic and CircuitLab were identified and discussed in the paper considering the advantages they offer. The paper further recommended that both teachers and students of electronics technology are encouraged to embrace the use of computer simulation software for enhancing students’ learning experiences and satisfaction.

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