Solar Radiation Potential for Electricity Generation in Potiskum

Abdullahi Madu, Sulaimon Shodiya, Abdulraheem Toyin


Potiskum, located on latitude 11.42 0N, longitude 11.02 0E and Altitude 414.8m2 was evaluated for solar radiation for the possibilities of it as a remedy to the fluctuation of electricity in the area. Gunn-Bellani radiation integrator was used to evaluate the solar radiation for this region. Data obtained from the period of 1990 to 2004 was analyzed for clearness index as well as Global solar radiation. This been the only data available using Gunn-Bellani at the station. The result produced was found to be within the allowable value with an average clearness index of 0.66. This means that the sky in this location is clear for most part of the year for solar radiation to be received on a horizontal surface. Hargreaves - Samani’s equation was used as a method of estimating Global solar radiation using climatologically data’s. The mean monthly solar radiation was obtained as 23.59MJ/m2 which is within the threshold for which Photovoltaic cell can be used to generate power.


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