Primary School Head Teachers’ Competencies in Conflict Management and Staff Appraisal Functions in Niger State, Nigeria

Muhammad Baba, Baba Wachiko, Bala A. Shehu


This study determined the competencies of head teachers and by extension their capacity building needs in conflict management and staff appraisal functions in primary schools of Niger State, Nigeria. Two research questions guided the study. The study employed the use of descriptive survey design and used researchers designed questionnaire termed Head Teachers’ Competency Questionnaire (HTCQ). The population of the study was all 3066 head teachers of public primary school of Niger State from which 378 were stratified randomly selected as sample for the study. Weighted Mean were used as statistical tool for analysis of the data collected from the field. The findings of this study revealed that head teachers’ competencies in conflict management and staff appraisal were below expected performance. Specifically, the study revealed that head teachers in Primary Schools need capacity-building in conflict resolution techniques and methods of appraisal staff performance (evaluation). Researchers therefore recommends that capacity-building workshops and trainings should be organized for head teachers to address these deficiencies in their performance for effective goal achievement of universal basic Education Programme in Nigeria.

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