Correlation of Awareness and Usage of Mobile Devices among Facilitators and Students of Distance Education in Nigeria

Kabir F. S.


The study investigated the relationship between awareness and usage of mobile devices among facilitators and students in distance education in tertiary institutions in Nigeria. In line with the objectives of the study and two null hypotheses were formulated. Descriptive survey design method was adopted for the study. The researchers targeted 235 facilitators and 940 final year students in six distance learning institutions in the country using stratified sampling technique. The instrument used for data collection was four rating scale structured questionnaire titled Awareness and Use of Mobile Phones in Distance Education in Nigeria (AUMPDEN). The instrument was validated by four experts in Kaduna state University and Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Their corrections were incorporated into the final copy of the instrument. A pilot study was conducted using fourty part-time students and 20 lecturers in Danfodio University Sokoto. Data collected from pilot study were coded and the Cronbach Alpha coefficient was used to determine the reliability of the instrument.  The result gave reliability coefficient of 0.789 was obtained. Face to face method was adopted in the administration of the questionnaire. In doing this, the researchers were assisted by twelve trained research assistants. Data collected from the study were analyzed using Pearson Product Moment Correlation was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed that no significant relation exist between awareness and usage of mobile devices among Distance Education facilitators and students in Tertiary institutions in Nigeria. One of the recommendations postulated was that government and stakeholders in distance education should create awareness programmes and sensitization campaigns that will enable students and facilitators to acknowledge the importance of mobile phone technology in distance education institutions in Nigeria.

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