Influence of Technical and Vocational Education Training Centers on Youths’ Self-Reliance of in Bauchi State, Nigeria

Adamu Ibrahim, Kabir Yusuf


The study determines the influence of technical and vocational education training centers on youths’ self-reliance in Bauchi state, Nigeria. The study had two objectives, two research questions and two null hypotheses. Descriptive survey design was used for the study. Four hundred trainees were used for the study. The instrument used to collect information from the respondents was 30 items self-constructed structured questionnaire, titled Vocational Training Centers and Self Reliance (VTCSR) which was validated by experts. The reliability coefficient obtained from pilot study was 0.85. Face to face delivery method was employed in the distribution of the instrument. Respondents were given enough time to complete the instrument and then collected back.  The data collected were analyzed using weighted mean score to answer the research questions and regression to test the null hypotheses. The study revealed among others that TVETCs have significant influence on youths’ skills empowerment for self reliance. It was therefore, concluded that through TVET scheme youths’ can be self reliance in Bauchi state. It was recommended among others that youths should develop positive attitude towards Technical and Vocational Education, they should understanding the pride of been self reliance.

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