The Need for Establishment of Virtual Libraries in National Open University Study Centres in the South-East, Nigeria
The study is based on the need for the establishment of a virtual library in National Open University study centers in the South – East, Nigeria. All the librarians in the NOUN library in the South- East were selected. The population of the study is 8. The case study questionnaire was used to collect data. The data collected was analyzed using mean (X) statistics to determine the level of acceptance or disagreement of items in questionnaire. The findings includes that there is a need for the establishment of virtual library National Open University of Nigeria. More so it was found that there are advantages of virtual library and it also agrees that there are challenges encountered in the establishment of the Virtual library. Possible solutions were suggested which could be used in tackling these challenges. The Virtual library is an ICT department fit for the present boom in the information world. Even though the traditional library has a say as far information storage is concerned, it cannot be compared with the virtual library which promises higher services to render and a vast community of user to serve at the same time.
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