Parental Background as a Correlates of Students’ Academic Achievements in Islamic Studies in North-Central Nigeria

Aliyu Yunus


Recent findings have assessed the relationship between parental background and students’ academic achievement in senior secondary schools in North-Central Nigeria. This study was designed to suite quantitative research using survey method.  Its correlations were carried out based on the underlining dimensions of students’ parental backgrounds namely: education, occupation, income and involvement and their academic achievement in Islamic Studies. A survey questionnaire was used to collect data from 384 respondents in secondary school in North-Central part of Nigeria. The validity of instrument was acquired after series of modifications by three measurement and evaluation experts. For the reliability of instrument which is a pre-test, was conducted for the questionnaire and the results from it were used to calculate the reliability coefficient which was 0.76. The SPSS vision 23.0 was used for data analysis. The outcome of this finding indicated and showed that, majority of the Islamic Studies learners believe that parental background aspects such as the education of their parents, occupation, income and parental involvement with the  means of 3.34 (education); 2.85 (occupation); 2.68 (income) and 3.47 (involvement) are correlated with student’ academic achievement in Islamic Studies.  However, it is recommended that the government should provide enabling environment and enough facilities to the various schools in North-Central in order to foster students’ academic achievement Islamic Studies.

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