Hydraulic Transient Analysis in Fluid Pipeline: A Review

A. B. Muhammad, A. Nasir, S. A. Ayo, B. Ige


Hydraulic transient is an important phenomenon in the pipeline transportation system that have adverse and catastrophic effects on the most susceptible pipeline components such as valve, pumps, pipes as well as the environment.  The major causes of hydraulic transients are sudden or abrupt valve closure or pump failures as a result of power outage. The major challenges of transient analysis techniques are to optimally achieve a balance between accuracy of results obtained from the analysis and simplicity of the adopted techniques in analyzing both complex and simple pipeline networks. In order to attain this fit many researchers have proposed, developed and used different models and algorithms to this regards. This paper surveys various transient analysis techniques, model and algorithm for protection of pipeline network system with a view of achieving optimal trade-off between transient analysis techniques used and the type of fluid flow pipeline analyzed. Performance and limitations of some of the previous works are identified. Finally, future investigations on petroleum and its products were recommended.

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