Appraising Second Language Acquisition Theory and English Language Teaching and Learning in Nigeria

Aisha Abdullahi Ibrahim, Mukhtar Hamisu


This paper appraised the concept of Second Language Acquisition (SLA) and the current reports on the teaching and learning of English language in Nigeria. It highlighted the Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theory formulated by Krashen in 1981. The theory famously known as input hypothesis was purposively chosen to analyze its possible application in English language teaching methodology, students learning, and English language teaching and learning resources development in Nigeria. The five principles of Krashen’s hypothesis: acquisition-learning, the natural order, the monitor, the input, and affective filter were outlined. The paper strongly argued that for effective English language performance, English language instruction must be informed and supported by Second Language Acquisition (SLA) theories in order to create and provide enabling environment that offer students comprehensive English language input and encourage them to provide meaningful language output.

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