Efficacy of 5E Learning Strategy in enhancing Academic Achievement in Physics among Students in Rano Education Zone, Kano State, Nigeria

Y. I. Bunkure


The study investigated the efficacy of 5E learning strategy on the academic achievement of Physics students in Rano Education zone, Kano State-Nigeria. A pretest posttest quasi-experimental research design was adopted for the study. simple random sampling technique was used to draw 2 intact classes of 61 males and 46 females. The stated hypothesis was tested using independent z-test at 0.05 level of significance. The results revealed that students taught Physics using 5E learning strategy perform better than those taught using traditional method, there is no significant difference of achievement scores between male and female students when taught physics using 5E learning strategy. Based on the findings, it was recommended that physics teachers should be encouraged to use 5E learning strategy in teaching the subject and other science subjects in general in senior secondary schools because it improves students’ academic achievement for both male and female students.     

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