Relationship between Job Demand, Workload and Job Satisfaction among Teachers in Public Secondary Schools in Kaduna Metropolis, Nigeria

Usman A. M., Kabir F. S.


The study aimed at investigating the relationship between job demands, workloads and job satisfaction among teachers in public secondary schools in Kaduna metropolis, Nigeria. Specifically the study had three objectives and three null hypotheses. Survey design was used in the study. The population was made of 307 teachers in public secondary schools in Kaduna metropolis, Nigeria. The sample of the study stood at 154 teachers drawn from 131 public secondary schools in the nine educational zones in the state. The instruments tagged Job Demand, Workload and Job Satisfaction Questionnaire (JDWJS) developed by the researcher was used to elicit data from respondents. Four experts validated the instrument. Direct contact was used for data collection. Data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics of mean and standard deviation to answer the two research questions. In the rest of hypotheses, Pearson Product Moment Correlation was employed at 5%level of significance. Results indicated that significant relationship exit between job demand, workload and job satisfaction of teachers in public secondary schools in Kaduna metropolis, Nigeria. By implication, since stress is the most hindering factors affecting the job contentment and commitment of teachers, it can be concluded that best expected from teachers in terms of delivery of quality teaching, quality products, and quality outcomes may be hard due to the high stress level and reduced level of job satisfaction. It was finally recommended that state ministry of education and principals should provide welfare facilities and rewards to motivate hardworking teachers more especially those with much workload, also educational management should provide and encourage activities on developing professional identity for teachers. As this research indicates that job demands, workloads, interpersonal conflicts; motivation and administrative leadership styles (stressors) are negatively related to job satisfaction, the Ministry of Education should enforce certain policies or standards for stress management among teachers. The result of this research work will help the officials of Kaduna state ministry of education to know the influence of job demand and workload on job performance and job satisfaction among teachers in Kaduna metropolis which will enable them adopt strategies to curb the situation. In addition, the result of this finding is of significant to on- coming researchers both theoretical and practical in academics, as it contributed to an extension of literature on the study area

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