Chemical Composition of Two Termite Mounds (Coptotermes acinaformis and Nasutitermes walkeri) in Bogoro and Katagum of Bauchi State

Akanang H., Adamu H. M., Chindo I. Y., Shibdawa M. A., Okeke C.


Termite mounds of Coptoterms acinaformis and Nasutiterms walker from two ecological zones (Bogoro and Katagum) and adjacent soils (control) were sampled and analysed for their chemical compositions(oxides) using the X-ray florescence spectrophotometer. The results obtained for Na2O, MgO, Al2O3, SiO2, SO3, K2O, CaO and Fe2O3 for the Nausitetermes walkeri in Bogoro ranges from 0.07 – 72.66 % while for Coptotermes acinoformis, the range is 0.21– 66.22 %. In Katagum, the percentage oxide composition range from 0.000 – 74.517% for Coptotermes acinoformis and from 0.000 – 78.877% for Nausitetermes walkeri. The percentage of the oxides studied in the mounds within these municipalities did not vary significantly at (p<0.05) from the surrounding soil (or control) sampleand generally, the studied chemical composition of the termite mounds followed the order SiO2>Al2O3>Fe2O3 >K2O >CaO>MgO> SO3 >Na2O. Silicon and aluminium oxide are amongst the oxide needed in the production of cement, therefore these mounds can be mixed with sand and cement during construction of houses.  

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