Influence of Students’ Perception on Gender Enrolment Pattern into Nigeria Certificate in Education (Technical) in Ramat Polytechnic Maiduguri, Borno State

Mustapha Ali


This study examines the influence of students’ perception on gender enrolment pattern into NCE technical education Ramat polytechnic Maiduguri. The study adopted survey design. A sample of 64 respondents was selected at random to represent the population of 246 students of technical department, structured questionnaire was used for data collection and data on students were retrieved from reliable records within the polytechnic. Data collected were analyzed and presented using bar chart, frequency count and percentage. The finding of the study revealed that there is low enrolment of female students for the past three years, a number of students perception on the causes of gender enrolment disparity were also identified as female students don’t apply for NCE tech, female students are not capable of performing woodwork, building and electrical practical, female students are better in theory than practical and calculations, NCE Tech is a difficult course and un-stability in character of female students. It was recommended that the institution should create awareness on the presence of the NCE tech in the polytechnic and organize an induction/training exercise on the programme and its importance to the students and society in general so as to encourage the female folks to enroll into the programme.

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