Seasonal Variation in Physicochemical Parameters of River Saye, Zaria, Kaduna State, Nigeria
Water quality is important to man because it is directly associated to human health. The presence of phytoplanktons in water bodies has led contamination. In this study, selected physicochemical parameters and the phytoplankton assemblage of River Saye, Zaria, Kaduna state were investigated for a period of one year between April 2017 and March 2018 from five sampling stations. The study was aimed at establishing the physical, chemical and phytoplankton parameters of the river. The phytoplanktons were collected using silk plankton net of 25 cm diameter of 70 µm meshes attached to a bottle of fiffty (50 ml) capacity at the base, preserved in 4% formalin and stanined with Lugol’s iodine solution. It was then mounted on a compound microscope for identification using text book key and Robert Perry guide line or key. The physicochemical were determined using standard methods. The mean values of the physicochemical parameters were temperature (27.62±0.16°C), pH (8.56±0.20), electrical conductivity (EC) (121.80±49µs/cm), total dissolved solid (TDS) (64.43±2.52mg/l), dissolved oxygen (DO) (4.18±0.14mg/l) biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) (3.02±0.16mg/l), hardness (213.30±6.46mg/l), alkalinity (42.43±1.37mg/l) and chloride (38.84±1.25mg/l). Phosphate (0.20±0.01mg/l) which exceed the acceptable level of 0.10mg/l for natural water bodies and nitrate (0.20 ± 0.01). The means of all the measured physio-chemical parameters were highly significant (P<0.01). The phytoplanktons were more prevalent during dry season and there were variations in their composition and abundance along the river. Four groups of phytoplanktonin River Saye were recorded namely; Bacillariophyta with (25 genera), Chlorophyta (18 genera) Cyanophyta (9genera), Euglenophyta (3genera). Bacillariophyta dominated numerically (47.50%), followed by Chlorophyta (36.16%) then Cyanophyta (12.98%) and Euglenophyta the (3.36%) learst. The distribution of phytoplankton between the Stations showed that stations 1, 2, 4 and 5 had higher phytoplankton than station 3.
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