Antecedents of Training Transfer Motivation: A Conceptual Model for Nigeria
This paper conceptualizes the possible model of training transfer motivation in Nigerian context through the antecedents of organizational commitment and job involvement. Training and development plays a vital role in most of the global organizations and it contributes significantly to the success and effectiveness of these organizations in today’s world of competitiveness. Organizational commitment and job involvement deal with improving employees’ ability through steady training transfer motivation. The concept appears to be affected factors such as perceptions of the expectations that the new knowledge and skills cannot be used back on the job which will lead to deterioration of performance. Organizations are concerned about the commitment and involvement of employees does not reflect job attitudinal concept which could result to a payoff in the form of enhanced performance. However, a sizable number of scholarly articles were reviewed to form the basis of this investigation. The findings identified few antecedents of training transfer motivation in the Nigerian context but excluded other predictors in the hypothesized model. The research recommended for the need to empirically examine the current proposed model in the Nigerian context and investigate other factors. Arguably, this is a way forward in propelling the training transfer motivation system.
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