Development of a Matrix- Based Bi-Orthogonal FBMC-OQAM Data Model Using Hadamard Scheme

Mahmud J., A. M. S. Tekanyi, S. M. Sani


Filter Bank Multicarrier (FBMC) is an OFDM based multicarrier scheme that employs the use of prototype filter in place of cyclic prefix to nullify inter-carrier interference and inter-symbol interference and is suitable for time and frequency localization. As a result, the spectral efficiency of FBMC is higher than other OFDM-based multicarrier techniques that use cyclic prefix.  By modulating FBMC complex data symbols using offset quadrature amplitude modulation technique, capacity gain was improved but at the expense of disorienting the orthogonality of the imaginary components of the complex data symbols. This however, was corrected using Hadamard error correction coding scheme in order to obtain OQAM-modulated FBMC symbols which are orthogonal in both the real and imaginary field of the complex data symbols. The developed data symbols were represented in matrix format in order to simplify the computation involved.

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