Haematological and Biochemical Indices of Yankasa Rams Fed Brachiaria Ruziziensis-Centrosema Pascuorum Hay Mixtures with Concentrate

Sani I., Amodu J. T., Hassan M. R., Tanko R. J., Adamu N.


Blood haematological and biochemistry studies of Yankasa rams fed B. ruziziensis and C. pascuorum hay mixtures supplemented with concentrate was investigated using Yankasa rams. Twelve Yankasa rams with average initial weight 10.25±0.1kg were assigned to three dietary treatments of B. ruziziensis and C. pascuorum hay at different mixtures (75BR:25CP, 50BR:50CP and 25BR:75CP, respectively) with concentrate in a Completely Randomized Design for a period of 90 days. Results indicated Packed Cell Volume before feeding was 30.0% in 50BR:50CP, but after feeding, animals on 25BR:75BR diet had the highest PCV value (36.8%). Also, blood haemoglobin concentration in the rams was highest (10.1g/dl) in animals fed 25BR:75CP diet before feeding while after feeding, animal fed 50BR:50CP diets had the best value (10.5g/dl). Blood chemistry after feeding were mostly not significant (P>0.05) from each other, except in glucose levels, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) and urea N which showed significant difference (P<0.05). Animals fed 75BR:25CP diets had better glucose (54.0mmol) and ALP (18.0u/l) values after feeding, while urea-N was higher (28.80mmol) in animals fed 25BR:75CP diets. The urea-N was highest (P<0.05) at 50BR:50CP animals both before and after feeding. Animals fed 25BR:75CP diets gave best values for RBC, WBC, MCHC, creatinine, calcium and Urea-N. Therefore, B. ruziziensis and C. pascuorum hay be mixed at 25%:75%, supplemented with concentrate for better performance in Yankasa rams.

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