Ahmed T. Rabiu, Sani Saidu


The study looked at some aspects of mathematics teachers’ competences during a universal Basic Education Board retraining workshop for primary school teachers in Zaria. These aspects include the teacher’s competences in common content knowledge (CCK), pedagogical content knowledge (PCK) and special content knowledge (SCK).Out of 400 primary school teachers present during the workshop, 50 teachers were purposely selected for the study. A test of 50 questions was administered to the teachers at the beginning and at the end of the workshop. The test covered the 3 areas mentioned above. Two experts in mathematics education validated the test and the reliability coefficient was calculated to be 0∙85. One group pre-test and posttest was adopted for the study. The findings include; Primary school teachers do not have adequate mastery of the 3 domains (CCK, PCK and SCK). No significant differences was found between the performance of male and female teachers with t=0∙6. More so, No significant difference was found between the performance of the less experienced teachers and that of more experienced teachers.  Therefore, it recommended that teacher training institutions should revise the NCE curriculum to cover the 3 domains.

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