Organochlorine Pesticide Analysis of Atuh Wetland Ugiliamai for Cage Aquaculture in Schools: A Tool for Reshaping Education in Nigeria

Ogwu Chukwudi, Okonji A. O.


This study investigated the organochlorine pesticides content of Atuh wetland for its suitability for cage aquaculture in schools as a tool for reshaping education in Nigeria.  The study answered 3 research questions and tested a hypothesis.  To achieve these, the research area Atuh wetland Ugiliamai has mapped 5 research blocks.  From each of the research blocks water samples were collected from 10 spots bulked, a composite drawn and fixed with HN03 and kept in an ice-cooled box for analysis. The analytical standards adopted were APHA and CHEM and the analytical instrument of determination deployed was Agilent 6100 series single Quadrupole LC/MS. The mean results obtained were; endrin 3.19±0.14ug/l DDE, 3.07±0.18ug/l endolsulfan II 1.48±0.09ug/l DDD, 1.54±0.26ug/l and diedrin 0.58±0.44ug/l.  The mean result obtained was further subjected to a significance test with ANOVA with numerator 4 and denominator 20 at 0.05 level of significance.  The F ratio calculated value was 6.42 while the F ratio critical value is 2.31 thus rejecting HO. The study recommends that cage aquaculture should not be implemented in Atuh wetlands in its pollution state, the pollution source point should be identified and discontinued and remediation should be carried out in Atuh wetland to restore it to its original health status

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