Selection of Authentic Internet Materials for English Language Instruction in Some Higher Institutions of North-Western Nigeria

Sani Ahmed Sambo, Abdullahi Kadage Tukur


This study investigates and explores the criteria used by English lecturers in Nigerian higher institutions in the selection of authentic internet material for English language instruction. It also seeks to find out if the criteria used by the lecturers are in line with the student's preference. Accordingly, three research questions and one hypothesis were formulated to guide the research. Therefore, a total of 232 respondents which comprised of the 116 lecturers of English and 116 students from 9 higher institutions in Sokoto and Zamfara states, North-Western Nigeria were randomly selected through a multi-stage sampling technique to participate in the study. Thus, using an explanatory sequential mixed method design, quantitative data were collected through a Likert scale questionnaire while qualitative data was obtained through a one-to-one interview. Similarly, descriptive statistical analysis - frequency mean and standard deviation were used to analyze the responses reflecting the major research questions, while a non-parametric inferential statistics – Mann Whitney U test was used to test the hypotheses of the study. Also, transcription, organization, coding, and thematic content analysis were applied in the qualitative data analysis. Findings of the research revealed that as part of their criteria, the lecturers consider learners interest, English language level, and topic objectives as the criteria which guide their selection of authentic internet material for English language instruction. Inferential analysis revealed a statistically significant difference between the lecturers’ criteria and their students’ preferred criteria for selecting authentic internet material for English Language instruction. Therefore, the study recommends that lecturers should implement learner-centred strategies that will allow learners to engage in active use of the internet and search for websites and certain internet links for materials that can promote both their learning of English and digital-based study skills.

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