Effect of Computer Animation on Students’ Academic Achievement in Auto Braking System in NCE Awarding Institutions of North- Eastern, Nigeria

Mohammed Bin Ahmed, Muhammad Muhammad Inti


The study determined the effect of computer animation on students’ academic achievement in auto braking system in NCE awarding institutions in north- eastern, Nigeria. For achieving the purpose of this study, three objectives, three research questions and three hypotheses were formulated. Related literature was extensively reviewed based on relevant concepts and theory to guide the study. Quasi-experimental research design (pretest and posttest) was used for the study. All students offering TED214 (braking, steering and suspension system) at NCE II level made the population of the study. Existing intact classes were used but a simple random sampling of the Hat-picks technique was employed to select two colleges of education from North Eastern Nigeria as experimental group and control group. Auto Braking System Academic Achievement Test (ABSAAT) was used as the instrument for data collection. The instrument was validated by three experts in the area of automobile technology. A pilot test of the instrument was carried out in a college of education having similar characteristics with sampled colleges but located in North Western, Nigeria. The reliability of the instrument was established by KR-21 and 0.81 co-efficient was obtained. The data were analysed using mean, standard deviation and t-test. After the analysis, the study revealed that the students had higher academic achievement in auto braking system in the experimental group than that of the control group. Based on this finding, it was concluded that the students taught using computer animation had higher academic achievement in auto braking system than those taught with the conventional method of teaching. Also, the research study recommended that computer animation should be adopted in teaching automotive courses in tertiary institution of north-eastern Nigeria. In addition, this study has an implication to students, teachers and curriculum planners on practice. Lastly, the researcher suggested the replication of this study in the other field of studies.    

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