Influence of Information Culture on Employee Performance in Food and Beverage, Companies in Lagos State, Nigeria
Performance is critical to the effectiveness and efficiency of every organization, including manufacturing companies. However, employee performance in the food and beverage companies has been on the decline as evidenced by poor work quality and lower individual productivity. While literature has documented the positive contribution of information culture to employee performance in various studies and in different organizational contexts, there is dearth of empirical research that examined the level of contributions of each of the variables influence of information culture. The study examined the influence of information culture on employee performance in the food and beverage companies in Lagos State, Nigeria. Survey research design was employed for the study. The population was 17, 272 top, middle and lower cadre employees from selected food and beverage companies in Lagos State. The companies were selected from the Manufacturers Association of Nigeria’s list of manufacturing industries. Taro Yamane’s formula was used to derive the sample size of 390. Multistage sampling technique was used to select the participants for the study. A structured and validated questionnaire was used to collect data. Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficients for the constructs ranged from 0.79 to 0.94. A response rate of 98% was obtained. Data collected were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. Findings revealed that information culture had significant influence on employee performance (R2= .052, β = .045, t(381) = 0.769, p<0.05). Furthermore, information sharing (β = 0.42, t(377), p<0.05) as a component of information culture had a significant influence on employee performance. The study concluded that information culture affects employee performance in food and beverage companies in Lagos State, Nigeria. It was recommended that the management of food and beverage companies should encourage information sharing to improve job-specific task performance of employees in the organization. There should be an improvement in information culture to enhance employee performance in food and beverage companies in Lagos State of Nigeria.
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