Analysis of Problem-Solving Ability of Senior School Students in Mathematics Word Problems

Musa Yidawi, Arhyel Ibrahim, Ibrahim Zainab Tanko


This is qualitative research which aims to describe and analyze students’ ability in word problem solving based on Polya’s steps. The problem-solving abilities of the students were analyzed based on gender. To support this research, descriptive analysis is used on 35 senior school students. The instrument for data collection is Mathematics Word Problem Test (MWPT) consisting of four items. The items were selected to evaluate students understanding and ability to inter-relate between mathematical concepts (the use of formula and properties of plane shapes), and formation of equations/equation involving fractions (to find the unknown). The results show that, senior school students have difficulty making connections between mathematical concepts, have difficulty solving mathematical problems involving fractions and difficulty determining the mathematical formula/concepts to use. The findings also revealed difficulty making connections between mathematical concepts, transformation difficulty and reviewing the correctness of answers with questions. The study therefore recommended that a realistic mathematical problem-based approach, and other approaches that provide students with opportunities to solve mathematical problem should be adopted in learning word problems.

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