Exploration of Enhanced Technical Skills for Integration into the Office Technology and Management Curriculum in Nigerian Polytechnics
Office Technology and Management (OTM) is a prominent academic program offered in Nigerian Polytechnics, designed to equip students with the knowledge and skills needed for effective secretarial roles. However, the evolving landscape of office technologies, continuous innovations, changes in office equipment, and the lack of curriculum updates since 2004 have contributed to a significant employability skills gap, leading to ineffective job performance and increased unemployment among OTM graduates. Many OTM students face challenges securing employment due to the dearth of technical skills acquisition. The primary objective of this study is to explore advanced technical skills that can be seamlessly integrated into the current OTM curriculum offered in Nigerian polytechnics. The research utilized a mixed-method design, specifically employing a sequential exploratory approach. Data was collected through both qualitative and quantitative methods, including Focus Group Discussions (FGD) and questionnaires. Six respondents were purposively selected to participate in the FGD, while 154 Heads of Personnel and 157 OTM Lecturers responded to the questionnaires. Qualitative data collected from the FGD was meticulously analyzed using coding and thematic analysis techniques, while the quantitative aspect involved the use of descriptive statistics, such as mean and standard deviation. An independent sample t-test was conducted to test the hypothesis. The findings of the study revealed three distinct clusters of enhanced technical skills that are crucial for incorporation into the OTM curriculum to better prepare students for future success. These clusters encompass additional information and communication technology skills, entrepreneurship skills, and comprehensive record management skills. As a result, this study recommends, among other important actions, a comprehensive review of the OTM curriculum to seamlessly integrate these vital skills. Doing so will not only enhance skills acquisition among OTM students but also significantly improve the employability prospects of OTM graduates in today's dynamic job market.
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