Effects of Concept-mapping Teaching Strategy on Academic Performance in Biology among Senior Secondary School Students Yola Metropolis, Adamawa State, Nigeria
This study investigated the effect of the Concept Mapping teaching strategy on biology students’ academic achievement in secondary schools in Adamawa State, Nigeria. Two research questions and two hypotheses guided the study. Quasi-experimental research design involving pretest-posttest non-equivalent control group. The population was 24,960 SS II Biology students. From the population, two schools were randomly sampled which consist of 84 students. The instrument for data collection was the Biology Performance Test (BPT). The instrument was validated and pilot-tested using the test-retest method, and the Kuder-Richardson formula (KR-21) was used to get r= 0.87. The data collected were analyzed using Mean and Standard deviation to answer the research questions, while Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was used to test the null hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study showed that there was a significant difference between the mean scores of students taught biology using concept mapping teaching strategy and lecture method. It was recommended among other things that there is a need to encourage teachers to use concept map teaching strategy to improve students’ academic achievement in biology.
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