Effect of Improvisation of Instructional Materials on Computer Science Education and Learning in Junior Secondary Schools in Bauchi Metropolis

Hussaini Gambo Jahun, Sahanun Umar, Ibrahim Umar Zwall


The study aims to assess the impact of improvisational instructional materials on computer studies teaching and learning in junior secondary schools in Bauchi Metropolis, involving 615 students from four selected schools. The research utilizes the CSAT (Computer Studies Achievement Test) and Students' Interest Inventory (SII) for data collection. The t-test is employed to analyze the data, with the anticipated outcome highlighting the effectiveness of using instructional materials in computer education. The findings reveal a significant relationship between the use of instructional materials and students' achievement in computer studies, showing a notable difference between male and female students. The study concludes that instructional materials can serve as an alternative and more effective method for teaching computer topics. Recommendations include encouraging teachers to use instructional aids, updating their knowledge in this regard, introducing students to instructional materials, and suggesting further research with larger sample sizes and across different educational levels. The study emphasizes the positive impact of instructional materials on making learning easier, enhancing content retention, and facilitating subject lesson assimilation.

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