Impact of the Functional Literacy Programme of Bauchi State Agency for Mass Education on the Well-being of Internally Displaced Persons
This study investigates the impact of Bauchi State Agency for Mass Education's functional literacy program on the well-being of internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Bauchi State. It aims to understand the socio-economic conditions of IDPs, assess the skills provided by the agency, evaluate IDPs' participation in the program, and study its overall impact. The research adopts the conscientization theory, focusing on self-sufficiency, self-reliance, and self-actualization. The theoretical framework underscores the importance of education and training in fostering entrepreneurship, signaling a shift from foreign direct investment to self-employment and entrepreneurship in Nigeria's economic landscape. The study rejects the notion that individuals are solely responsible for poverty, attributing limited opportunities to economic, political, and social systems. Entrepreneurship, as defined in the study, involves combining resources, labor, materials, and other assets to create greater value.
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