Relationship between Teachers Instructional Practices and Students Performances in Social Studies in Colleges of Education in North-East, Nigeria

Isiyaku Suleiman


The main objective of this study is to determine the relationship between teacher’s instructional practices and students’ performances in social studies in colleges of education in North-East, Nigeria. To achieve this six specific objectives would be prepared to guide the study. Six research questions would be answered in this study and six null hypotheses would be tested at 0.05 level of significance. The study would employ descriptive design. The area of the study is North-East part of Nigeria. The population of the study would be made up 333 social studies education students from the nine (9) colleges of education offering social studies education in the four states of the study area that will comprises of both the federal and states colleges of education. The sample size would be determined using proportionate stratified random sampling and simple random/techniques. The instrument for data collection would be social studies teachers instructional practices classroom observation checklist (SSCRC) and social studies students’ performance result record (SSSPRR) the collection of data for this study would be achieved using the social studies teachers  instructional practices classroom observation that comprises  six different areas and are to be rated according to their degree of occurrence based on five point scale and social studies students’ performance result record from the study colleges of education in the North-East specifically NCE II social studies students. The research assistants will be lecturers of the social studies education. The data collected would be analyzed using both descriptive and inferential statistic. The researchers will resort to the calculations of the mean and standard deviations of responses obtained through teacher’s instructional practices and student’s performance. In order to find out the relationship between social studies teacher’s instructional practices and students performance correlational statistic would be employed, Pearsons Product Moment Correlation (PPMC) technique would be used to establish the relationship between the two variables.

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