Engaging Financial Accounting Students: Ways to Teach Financial Accounting in Senior Secondary School using Scaffolding Instructional Approach
Financial accounting is one of the subjects offered at both private and public senior secondary schools in Nigeria. Financial accounting students at times get confused in understanding the double-entry book-keeping system. Each debit and credit transaction causes at least two entries (a debit and a credit) in the ledger accounts, where students will most likely have a problem learning the entries simultaneously. Without additional chances to strengthen these concepts, a student can simply become frustrated and perceive financial accounting to be a tedious subject. The paper observes the way to simplify the tediousness of financial accounting and paves the way for easy understanding by the students using the scaffolding learning approach. The paper also examines scaffolding as a teaching method by which a teacher, an instructor or a more conversational peer, aids learners to solve problems or accomplish tasks that would normally be impossible for them to learn from experience. The paper also examines the teacher's role during scaffolding instruction in teaching financial accounting through an adequate understanding of the area of strengths and needs of each learner by regulating his or her strategy accordingly. The paper finally recommends for financial accounting teachers to make the learners actively engaged in the learning process through the Scaffolding learning approach.
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