Lecturers’ Perception on the Use of Virtual Learning in Teaching Automobile Technology in Colleges of Education in North East, Nigeria

Bala Saidu, Daniel Kaleb Diraso, Eric Boba Enoch, Steven Zira Kumazhege


This study was carried out to investigate the lecturers perception on the use of virtual learning in teaching automobile technology education in colleges of education in north east Nigeria, descriptive survey research design was used in the study, the population of the study consist of 22 automobile technology education lecturers in colleges of education and were purposively used as research sample. Three research questions guided the study and 30-item questionnaire was used as instrument for data collection. The questionnaire was validated by educational technology experts, automobile technology education experts, and pilot test was carried out in federal college of education (Technical) Bichi which is outside the study area, reliability coefficients ranging from 0.76 were obtained. Data collected from the administration of the research instruments were analysed using descriptive statistics of Mean and Standard Deviation. A decision rule was set, in which, a mean score of 3.00 and above was considered Agreed while a mean score below 3.00 was considered Disagreed. Findings revealed that lecturers perceived the use of virtual learning as easy to use and useful with mean scores of 4.18 and 3.34 respectively. Based on these findings, it was recommended among others that administrators should equip schools with adequate Information and Communication Technology facilities that would aid students and teachers’ utilization of virtual-based learning environments in teaching and learning process. 

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