Effect of Virtual Learning on Students’ Academic Achievement and Retention in Automotive Air Conditioning System in Colleges of Education in North Eastern Nigeria

Bala Saidu, Daniel Kaleb Diraso, Eric Boba Enoch


The study examined the effect of virtual learning on students’ academic achievement and retention in automotive air conditioning system in colleges of education in north eastern Nigeria. The rational of the study was that virtual learning supports student-centred learning that encourages students- teacher interaction in an open face where there is no physical contact between the teacher and students.  Three specific objective were formulated, there research questions raised and three null hypotheses were postulated A quasi-experimental design was adopted, involving NCE III Automobile Technology students from two Federal Colleges of Education (Technical) in North-East Nigeria. Simple random sampling was employed to select experimental and control groups. An instrument for data collection was Automotive Air Conditioning Achievement Test (AACAT). The instruments were, validated by experts and tested for reliability with reliability co efficient of .83. The experimental procedure involved administering pre-tests, implementing treatments (virtual learning for the experimental group, lecture method for control), and post-tests.  Data were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics with SPSS, interpreting results based on predetermined criteria. Acceptance/rejection of hypotheses relied on the significance level (p < 0.05). the study found that Automobile Technology Education Students taught Automotive Air Conditioning systems using virtual learning and those taught using the lecture method have different academic achievements after the treatment and there is a significant difference in their mean academic achievement after the treatment. The recommendation advocates offering supplementary support for virtual learning, providing additional resources, interactive simulations, or live online sessions specifically for virtual learners to enhance understanding of concepts, bridging the gap in academic achievement and promoting equitable learning outcomes for all students.

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