Evaluation of the Implementation of Entrepreneurship Education Curriculum in Federal Colleges of Education in North-West Geo-Political Zone, Nigeria
This research investigates implementation of entrepreneurship education curriculum in Federal Colleges of Education in North-West Geo-Political Zone, Nigeria. Entrepreneurship education has garnered significant attention globally as a means to foster economic growth, innovation, and sustainable development. In Nigeria, the incorporation of entrepreneurship education into the curriculum of educational institutions, including Federal Colleges of Education (FCEs), aims to equip students with the necessary skills and mindset to navigate the complexities of the modern economy. Through a comprehensive descriptive survey research design via 378 participant sampled Units Heads, GSE Lecturers, VTE lecturers and students from the two selected COEs. This research aims at determine the extent of adherence to policy document on implementation of entrepreneurship education curriculum in Federal Colleges of Education in North-West Geo-Political Zone, Nigeria; and to ascertain the extent to which lecturers are professionally qualified for the implementation of entrepreneurship education curriculum in Federal Colleges of Education in North-West Geo-Political Zone, Nigeria. The study showed that the entrepreneurship education curriculum that is in use in Colleges of Education is in conformity with the policy document. The study recommends that, entrepreneurship education curriculum should be strictly implemented based on the recommendation in the policy document to involve practical teaching than theoretical work. This will aid the achievement of the specified goals of providing the undergraduate with relevant skills for self-sufficiency upon graduation.
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